Saturday, September 03, 2005

June 15, 2005

11 pm... I can feel the contractions are getting pretty serious.. Ahhh.... Shit! It hurts like HELL!!! So I call on Dr. Mocay Heramil, ask for instructions on how to deal with this kind of pain.

11:30 pm... I wake up Dad. He was sleeping like a princess on the couch! (Zzzzz...) Then I asked him to bring me to the clinic immediately. They pack-up my things for me. I had to take a bath before we could leave the house, ofcourse.

11:35 am... We reached the clinic and had myself checked. Youch!!! It hurts me even more!!! IE.. I hate IE!

12 am... We reached HHMH (Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital). Got admitted to the hospital.

1 am... I was admitted to the delivery room.

3 am... I felt more pain! Someone get me a doctor here! Quick!

3:30 am... Tan..Tan..Tan..Tan..Tan..Tanan!!!! Oh, Here comes the head! Woops! Went back again. Aww! That's gotta hurt! The real pain shows up. Take Note: Giving birth isn't a natural easy one-way-out process!

4:07 am... Congratulations!! You have a healthy baby boy!!