Tuesday, February 01, 2005

bad lady

It's past 5am in the morning, my sister was asleep while i was busy writing this in a piece of paper. when an employee (i think she was the cashier or something like that) called for my sister. the funny part there was instead of asking if my sister was in, she said, "is your mom awake?". i got a bit pissed off but its really no biggy. anyway, i woke my sister to entertain her. then i told her what 'that girl' told me. my sister was shocked while i was lol. hehe. ofcourse. why wouldn't she be? coz everyone in the hospital knows that she had just recently gotten married. duh??!! she is so bad. funny in a way, but bad. my sister doesn't look that old?! mind her, she could've been just mistaken with the words she used since she came early that morning. she could still be half asleep while walking. hehee

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